Wayfinding and Navigation

You may choose to replace either this course or “Location Based Services” with an eligible elective course. Courses offered in this module in winter 2024/2025: click here.

Location Based Services

You may choose to replace either this course or “Wayfinding and Navigation” with an eligible elective course. Courses offered in this module in summer 2024: click here.

Analysis of Spatio-Temporal Data

You may choose to replace either this course or “Machine Learning for Visual Spatio-Temporal Data” with an eligible elective course. Courses offered in this module in winter 2024/2025: click here.

Geoinformation in Society

Instead of this course, you may choose “Spatial Cognition” or “Geoinformatics in Transdiciplinary Education” (both offered in the summer semester)

Interdisciplinary Aspects

The aim of this module is to impart the numerous opportunities and challenges associated with the interdisciplinary nature of Geoinformatics and the manyfold connections to other scientific fields.