This module imparts the knowledge and skills necessary to engage in the scientific discourse in Geoinformatics and Spatial Data Science.
Location in GI Applications
This module focuses on the relationship between users of geoinformatic applications and their location and spatial context.
Spatial Data Science
The processing and analysis of spatial and spatio-temporal data plays an essential role in answering most geoscientific questions. This module enables students to gain expertise in topics central to this discipline.
Interdisciplinary Aspects
The aim of this module is to impart the numerous opportunities and challenges associated with the interdisciplinary nature of Geoinformatics and the manyfold connections to other scientific fields.
Fundamentals in Geoinformatics
The technical and organizational challenges associated with the distributed storage, processing and integration of (heterogeneous) geospatial data are at the heart of the module “Fundamentals in Geoinformatics”. It is mandatory for students whose BSc studies did not include courses equivalent to those in this module.
This module offers the chance to extend your competencies in one or more special subjects of Geoinformatics and/or Spatial Data Science.
This module offers the opportunity to apply geoinformatic skills and knowledge to practical issues at the intersection of Geoinformatics and its neighboring disciplines. This module is mandatory for students whose BSc studies included courses equivalent to those in module “Fundamentals in Geoinformatics”.
External Studies
The modules “External Studies” and “Internship in Industry, Government or Research” are aimed at sharpening your professional profile. You may choose to do either this module or the module “Internship in Industry, Government or Research”.
Internship in Industry, Government or Research
The modules “External Studies” and “Internship in Industry, Government or Research” are aimed at sharpening your professional profile. You may choose to do either this module or the module “External Studies”.
Master Thesis
Through your Master Thesis, you demonstrate that you can actively participate and contribute to scientific progress in your discipline.